We start presale

As you may have noticed, there is now a shop button at the top of the navigation bar. Because I've decided to play my game Chibi to finally produce Army of Doom. Why this is a presale is explained in this small FAQ.

Why a pre-sale?

To create a game, which can also be sold, is to create the game, the rules, the Artworks etc. still the easier task. But when it comes to printing it professionally, you face a big challenge. Because every single game is cheaper, the more you can print at once. I got several offers and compared them. And the most sensible offer is to produce 1000 games for €16.000. However, I don't have this €16.000? So my goal is to sell 100 games before I can put it into production.

Go to the shop here

Rathalos cosplay

But companies have a lot of money, don't they?

Hi, my name is Tom and I did everything on this game myself from start to finish. I had to register this project as a company, as this is important for the tax office in Germany. However, that doesn't change the fact that I'm just a simple person who also has an underpaid 40-hour job. All I want is for a lot of people out there to be able to play this game that I've been working on for a long time and enjoy my ideas. You can read who I am exactly here.

Does that mean you earn €34 with every game?

Haha no. Sure, mathematically it sounds like each game would only cost €16 to produce. But that's just the pressure, it doesn't even include a lot of the cost of the game. For example, the costs of the website or the advertising, not every drawing is from me either, they also have to be paid for. At the end of the 1000 games I will probably have what I put into this game project.

Baraa in the game Chibi Army of Doom

But with 100 games you still don't have €16,000​ ?

That's right, but with that I can go to a bank and borrow the rest. You have better chances if you can show them that you've already sold something.

Chibi Army Of Doom Standard Edition

What happens after the presale?

I will give all data of the game to the printing company, they need about 6 weeks to produce the game and then another 2 weeks until I have all the games. Luckily I can use my parents' basement for storage. Each game will then be sent personally to the address provided. Don't worry, all buyers will receive a reminder if anything has changed at the address.

Why don't you use Kickstarter or other crowdfunding?

Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms are primarily social media platforms where people with more money can buy more advertising and achieve more. Kickstarter can catapult you and give you incredible amounts, but the risks themselves are too high. Also, Kickstarter has an all or nothing mentality, which means that even if you don't quite reach the goal, you still don't get anything. All the people you could reach in this way are lost, as is all the effort and every cent that you put into such a campaign. Also, I'm not an influencer who can fall back on a large community to be sure of getting the money I need. From this point of view, the advance sale is also a kind of crowdfunding.

Mia Mechanic
Chibi army table

I don't want to support anymore because I need my money, can I cancel my purchase?

That's a pity to hear, but no problem. Your payment will be canceled and you will get your money back. Because my address is in the imprint and I am liable for every transaction that comes about here according to German law. That also means I'll be wary of any Scams offer.




Ciri in the block of ice
Jack on the rush
Lyra in block